February 19
Time:07:00 pm - 08:30 pm
Click to Register: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/secrets-of-point-of-view-feb-19-7-pm-eastern-us-midnight-london-tickets-1142526109349Myra Levine
Point of view is so powerful–used well, POV is the key to writing a page-turner. Used poorly, it confuses readers or (worse yet) bores them! Every word you choose depends on who is telling the story–the hero? the villain? an innocent bystander?
Whether you’re writing a short story, novel, or memoir, somebody tells the story. An outside narrator? The main character? A secondary character? Whose eyes will we look through?
In a memoir, when does the reader want to see the world through your eyes as a child? When does “adult you” get to take center stage? In a novel, will the main character tell the tale? Will the villain? Will several characters take turns? How do you manage shifting Points of View without confusing the reader?
We’ll talk about how writers make these decisions, and how the decisions change the story? Why does Dr. Watson narrate the Sherlock Holmes stories, instead of Sherlock Holmes? Why is To Kill a Mockingbird narrated (mostly) by a child? How do 1st, 2nd, and 3rd person narrators fit into this? And if you have multiple characters telling the story, how do you handle the transitions?
Writer and Writing Coach Myra Levine will take this complex subject and make it understandable. THIS IS A NO JARGON ZONE. Writing prompts will give you an opportunity to practice writing and changing Point of View. And you’ll have the opportunity to send Myra your prompts for FREE feedback.
What You’ll Do in the Workshop
• Learn what Point of View (POV) is really about
• Practice spotting POV errors and correcting them
• Complete writing prompts to practice new skills
Who Should Attend
• New writers who don’t understand this POV stuff
• Writers who feel awkward choosing and maintaining POV in their work and wonder if they’re doing it right
• Writers who always choose the same POV because that’s all they know how to do!
About Myra
Myra Levine is on a mission: to make sure that nobody dies with their story still inside them. She shows people how to turn their memories into interesting stories—even novels—with techniques not taught in school. And her classes are FUN. To Myra, writing isn’t about grammar or spelling or knowing where to put the commas; it’s about capturing a moment in a way that brings it to life. As a writing coach, she challenges her clients to dig deeper into their lives to find the germ of an idea that will become a great story, or a dozen great stories, or a terrific novel. Her favorite students fall into two categories: people who are sure they can’t write, and people who are sure they can!
Before turning to fiction, Myra spent decades writing television and radio scripts, instructional videos, and corporate marketing programs. She won many local and regional advertising awards before leaving corporate life to become a wife and mother of two adopted kids. Stay-at-home-motherhood rekindled her ambition to write fiction.
As Myra puts it, “If you don’t write your story, who will?”
Written under the name M.E. Levine, Myra’s novels, Revenge of the Soccer Moms and The Dead Mothers’ Club, are available on Amazon.com in print and e-book and on Audible.com as audiobooks.